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Chandigarh admn imposes Section 144 near HCS exam centres

The UT administration has imposed Section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure around examination centres where the HCS (judicial branch) preliminary examination 2023-24 will be held from 11 am to 1 pm on Sunday.
According the order issued by district magistrate Vinay Pratap Singh, gathering of four or more persons, carrying of fire arms and other weapons/articles capable of causing injury, raising slogans and displaying placards, opening of Photostat machine shop and law coaching centres near examination centres are likely to cause obstruction in the maintenance of peace and law and order, and conducting the examination properly.
Therefore, it had become necessary to issue directions to prevent such obstructions as mentioned above. Section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure has been imposed to prohibit the gathering of four or more persons except candidates, carrying of any fire arms and other weapons/articles capable of causing injury, raising slogans and displaying placards in the area of 100 metres around the examination centres in Chandigarh on March 3.
It is further ordered that all Photostat machine shops within 200 metres around the examination centres and coaching centres in their vicinity will remain closed on Sunday till the examination is over.
